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Me and Cale
Me and Cale discussing how deep the swamp hole is. As you can see Cale doesn't mind getting dirty.

Cale rides a 98 Honda 300 4X4

Cales 300 has a K&N Power kit, 26 inch Bear Claw tires, Lift Kit, and Kimpex front and Rear bumpers.
It's got to be the baddest 300 around. I will place money on it anyday. He also has many years of riding skills. Don't doubt the power of A HONDA 300

The Picture to the right is My daddy again just sitting in the creek taking it easy.
Daddy "The Master Hound" rides a 99 Honda 450
He absolutely hates snakes and water so I have no idea why he is sitting in the creek.
The Pic to the left is Of Jabo and Mike and his wife Amanda. They are waiting on us to finish taking a leak so we can get back to riding.
Jabo is a very close great friend of mine and is getting married Nov. 11th. Congradulations Jabo !!!!
The Pic to the right is of Mike and Amanda and another great friend of Mine. His name is Bryant , but we call him SPUD. Thats his new girlfriend Nikki holding on to him tightly.. " You go Spud"
Train Trussell in blacksburg SC. It's the largest this side of the mississippi river.

Gotcha!!! hahahaha
I caught Jimbo taking a piss. Don't worry, theres nothing there for ya to see, it's too small.
Spud and Nikki again. Look how Spud makes it look so easy on his 98 Honda 450ES
Look carefully in the Background and you will see Jimbo on his Polaris stuck in the mud wanting help. WARNING!!! DON'T BUY A POLARIS!!
This is Jabo pulling a Artic Cat out of the mud. Maybe 1 day everyone will learn to buy a Honda.
Jimbo Still Stuck in the mud on his Polaris
This is Spud finally helping poor ole Jimbo out of the mud.
Look at Spud possing for me.
Jimbo is stuck again on his Polaris.